Kerala coconut cultivation
Around the world of the most useful 10 trees no one is the coconut tress . An average kerala family financial stability secret is own social , cultural , religious generation that give coconut a major role . The coconut trees usage are in many . Kera farmer different cultivation pratices are composes and published by farm information beaureu is a road map to new planters in kerala . This crop is a part of Malayalie family live . , In the Total Agricultural land the majority corps of coconut
- Tall coconut variety
- short coconut variety
- Mixed coconut variety and they are
- Mixed coconut variety and they are
- Kera ganga
- Laksha Ganga
- Ananda Ganga
- Kera shres
- Kera Swabhaga
- V.H.C 1 , V.H.C 2 , V.H.V 3
- Kera Sangara
- Chandra Sangara
- Chandra Laksha
- Cocout topics
- Amma Thengu
- Good Coconut
- Branching coconut
- Panting times
- Fertilizing coconut
- Inter cropping
- Watering coconut
- Scientific irrigation
- Repeated cultivation
- Harmful; insects
- Diseases of coconut
- End
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